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Welcome to NUTRITION ISLAND! featuring CHEF MIKEY & Bev ™!

Take a trip to Nutrtion Island to find out more about healthier choice foods and test your knowledge as you travel the island.

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Helping Kids Eat Better!

Chefs Mikey & Bev ™ was founded with the mission to quantifiably increase the consumption of scientifically supported healthier choice foods.

We are

We are chefs working towards the goals of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and the USDA; "Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced major initiatives at the U.S. Department of Agriculture to support and enhance the health of America’s children through nutritious school meals. These efforts are part of the National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, which aims to end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by 2030."

We deliver

Fun and engaging content to make it enjoyable for kids to learn healthier eating habits.

We create and innovate

Because we believe that its imperative to teach children healthier eating habits as children to prevent both early onset and adult obesity.

We put research into practice

The influence of brand-equity mascots used by food, beverage and restaurant companies on the diet of children and parents: Taylor Brownell p.38 Parasocial relationships are formed first through repeated instances of parasocial interactions, which occur when individuals interact with media characters and form personal, conversational, and two-sided experiences. p.85 These repeated interactions may develop into parasocial relationships, where individuals form special bonds that are “emotionally tinged” with characters and children think of them as real-life friends. Additionally, characters who possess humanlike qualities and behaviors are more relatable to children and have similar attributes to young people. p.86 Moreover, the development of parasocial relationships in education and interactive learning games have shown to be beneficial. p.39 Other companies who sell products that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber that currently do not own mascots should consider creating their own characters to increase children and adolescents’ consumption of these foods. p.41

Contact Us

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